
Want to share your travel journey of a particular place to a wider audience? - "Yes right! That's like having your own blog of that place ;)"
Want to share your random captured moments with everyone? - "Your videos may get featured on our YouTube channel"
And yup! if selected, we do offer payment and full accreditation for the content you provide, it will be shared on our blog, YouTube, and other social media platforms.

Process to get featured on our blog:

  1. Write and submit your experience about the place that you visited to our mail "[email protected]" in a MS-Word file
  2. Our team will review your blog
  3. You will receive an email with feedback regarding whether or not your blog has been selected, as well as any suggestions for improving its chances of being selected
  4. If your blog is chosen, we will request your approval to publish it on our website and you will receive a payment of 199 Rs. (as we continue to grow, we will also increase this amount accordingly) via your preferred payment method

Tips to get your blog selected:

  1. Your writing should be in English. Don't worry too much about grammar, as we will take care of that
  2. Push your writing skills and aim to be narrative and detail-oriented so that users can easily understand what you are saying
  3. It is mandatory to include at least five clear self-clicked photos or videos to support your blog
  4. Check out our website for examples of already posted blogs and try to comply with the same format

Must follow rules

  1. To ensure that your submission is original and stands out, we kindly ask that you avoid copying and pasting content. A plagiarism check will be conducted, and a significant amount of copied content may result in your proposal being rejected.
  2. We encourage you to write in your own words while maintaining a respectful and unbiased tone
  3. Since we need original experiences only, you must have visited that place which you're writing about
  4. Your blog should cover at least these points about the place
    • Overview
    • Things to do
    • Good things
    • Not-so-good-things
    • Tips/Suggestions

(Note: Currently we are not paying for any video)

For any queires, please email us at "[email protected]"